Nine years ago, KUDEM started building up the most extensive scientific library for Islamic Theology and Islamic studies in Europe with aiming to reach 100,000 books. Since the start, KUDEM has achieved to reach 70,000 books in six languages.

During three intensive weeks, a group of 30 volunteering academics have entered the books into the library database. Before that, each book has been categorized into the academic disciplines, signed and catalogued. The team has been educated and trained in the process during seminars and workshops.

The overall project started with extensive refurbishment works and redesign of the KUDEM building. The facilities have designed to provide adequate library furniture and equipment and with modern infrastructure for conducting research. In cooperation with IFIS&IZ, a commission of academics and experts has been established to start the preparation of the book list and the selection process.

Under the supervision of Honourable Prof. Dr Hüseyin İlker Çınar the book lists have deployed to the final state to start the procurement process. The books were sourced from different locations, i.e. Beirut, Cairo, and Istanbul. A special delegation of KUDEM and IFIS&IZ has conducted several trips to these places to collect and bring the books to Mannheim. Not at least because of the procurement terms and the logistical challenges the purchase had been a significant effort.

The research library collection includes today more than 70,000 books in six languages (Arabic, Turkish, Persian, German, English, and French). The collection encompasses the Islam related theological disciplines e.g. Quranic Exegesis (tafsīr), Hadīth, Islamic Law (fiqh), Systematic Theology (kalām), Prophetic biography (sīra), History of Islam (tārīh al-islām), Islamic Mysticism (tasawwuf), Islamic Philosophy (falsafa) and Islamic ethics/moral (ahlāq). Other disciplines available are religious education, medicine and bioethics as well as philological sources about language and literature. The reference library shall be opened soon to students, academics and interested people to support their studies and research.

KUDEM is a civil, charitable and independent institution. The project of KUDEM is deployed and continued based on the purposeful initiative and engagement of its members, without having been financially supported by a 3rd party. We want to express our heartfelt thanks to all actual and future supports for their engagement. May this endeavour and other initiatives will be beneficial for the society and grant us the appreciation of Allah.